I love giveaway and I love have healthy beautiful skin. Do you know that there is way to do spa at home? Yes you are reading it correctly, I now nowadays many working moms and ladies working long hours. They barely have time to go for beauty spa. Lulur is very good because it gives you beautiful, clean and healthy skin.
They have got several types of lulur sets namely
Lulur Rempah + Gel Mandian Zaitun
Lulur Kacang Hijau + Gel Mandian Susu
Lulur Biji Kopi + Gel Mandian Santan Kelapa
Lulur Garam Susu Kambing
Each lulur set provides differently types of benefits to the skin.
Set 1 Lulur Rempah + Gel Mandian Zaitun have ingredients of buah zaitun gives skin moisture and it is rich with Vitamin C and E which help menganjalkan skin, soften and whiten skin, it also help to get rid of kudis scars, itchiness and scar.
Set 2 Lulur Kacang Hijau + Gel Mandian Susu have ingredients of green beans which contains of vitamin A, B1, C and mineral. It help to reduce the body temperature and soften the skin, shrink the pores and tighten the skin. The Gel mandian susu, susu is milk proven in scientifik that it contains component in lamb milk gives human many benefits compare to cow milk and other type of milk. One of the benefits are it contains of asid capric & caprylic that mencegah kesan jangkitan kulat. This asid help in sistem pertahanan badan. The milk contains of high Bio-Organic Sodium, its recognize in naturaphotic treatment as elemen anti-penuaan.
Set 3 Lulur Biji Kopi + Gel Mandian Santan Kelapa
The lulur bijian kopi contains of anti-oksidan which is high gives body refreshing, soft, whitening, and get rid of black marks in between thigh and release stress.
The gel mandian santan kelapa is natural without any chemical, it terminates the dead skin cell, meransang keanjalan kulit and gives moisture. It contain of asid laurik which merangsang pertumbuhan collagen inside skin and help skin prevent jangkitan kuman.
Set 4 Lulur Garam Susu Kambing is good to treat skin white sel which gives problems because of miniral contains in salt milk which able to treat skin condition such as kudis, itchiness because of sensitive towards the envionment that is dirty or insect bites. It helps to treat dead skin cell, soften the skin, reduce toksin, gives blood circulation and reduce unpleasant body odour.
Now about the lulur giveaway, you may click the picture above to find out. There will be three lucky winners for this giveaway.
I am tagging three friends, they are