Saturday, June 22, 2013

New sexy Red S3 casing for me

My phone cover with the peeling skin, I have got new skin for my phone now. I mean the new casing for it. I chosen sexy Red phone casing because I love red, I saw pink but then I think Red would be best.

The casing purchased from biggest IT mall in Petaling Jaya, it is at the back of 24 hours McD nearby Jaya 33/Plaza 33 you can never miss that. You can google to find out. I find it hard to find parking, we turning few rounds only manage find parking. :(

The red casing for my phone RM50. Another is different which is RM40 but I know soon or later the skin will peel again. So better use the hard casing for my phone.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Shopping in Paradigm Mall alone

This morning had a quick run to Paradigm Mall, from home 11am proceed by car and reached there find concierge counter to ask where is Sun Paradise outlet. Yeah with RM200 voucher in hand, I choose to shop for bags because swimsuit just not suitable at the moment. We bearly head to beach.

I choose the pink hello kitty bag because it is water proof bag and I like the designed of this bag. It is from Japan! The Hello Kitty bag with two designs, RM139 same price for both bag, I choose pink which is bigger. :D

I parked at B1 then coming out to Jalan Bahagia, frankly my first time exit this route. Then I find that there's no way to Klang/Shah Alam.. keep looking at sign board, finally I found it. :D

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Thank you boys

I am happy today, yeah because we can make it to the shopping mall Paradigm Mall for final. Yeah both boys of mine are one of the participants in Ocean Mania Contest and they have been chosen for finalist. :D

My sick baby didn't perform on stage because he's tired still having sort throat. Supposed he just there to enjoy his bro Sea dragon performance but somehow he has interest to join. No doubt just changed him there on spot and follow him run about. Tired baby just want to sleep when he's turn to go on stage.

However everyone in family feel like starting to get sick. Yeah fever in the house and son feel like to vomit. My dear having fever, and gassy stomach. Son too having gassy stomach, I guess he's too bloated.

My sister-in-law is healing he had headache, vomit and purging. Yesterday she started vomit after eat the half boiled egg and porridge.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Free Mascara giveaway 100 only

Yeah no kidding there is free giveaway of Mascara and they are giving away 100 pieces only.

Check out this link here to Facebook.

By the way there is giveaway going on in two blogs

Click above to find out.

Jewelry by S

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