Friday, October 24, 2014

Shopping bags for loved ones

I love bags and find this lovely shopping bag for my loved ones, find where you purchase this bag, click on the link above.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dugrostar Roadshow Kota Bharu Mall, Kelantan

Saya sayang Mama 

Aktiviti-aktiviti menarik menanti anda sekeluarga di Dugrostar Roadshow Kota Bharu Mall, Kelantan, Concourse Ground Floor 
24-25 Oktober 2014 

Permainan Menyeronokkan 
Promosi Hebat 
Hadiah-hadiah Menarik 
Persembahan Dugrostar 
Acara Pentas & LEBIH LAGI!

Mark your calendar above, dont miss out chance for your kids to be Dugrostar!! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monday surprise for me

I didn't know that son is on a school holiday this week I saw the school notice but I only read the part of replacement class and didn't notice of school holiday is a week start today. Today Sunway Pyramid mall having water disruption so most toilet are closed, some are open you can go infomation counter to ask.

Anyway I received two happy surprises today that I won instagram contest

Yeah I love contest and try my luck. Happy Monday to me.

I was at Sunway Pyramid today to collect my winning passes of Kristy movie from REDBOX.

Then I went to selfie with Deepavali's elephant. Yeah all I do is selfie with elephant and hashtag, there is info on the # if you go the mall.

There is contest in Sunway Pyramid.


When I reached home and I check my instagram there's message that I've won a prize. :D

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lux contest

I just saw LUX having contest, oh yeah RM20 purchase of LUX products in a receipt can join the contest. Yeah I am thinking to take part as I do use LUX products too.

Jewelry by S

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