Sunday, October 6, 2013

Double happiness today!

My happy moment has come, it is I received email that I won two passes to watch Escape Plan. I like to watch Arnold and Rambo (movie actor Rambo 1, 2, 3) hehe..  acting in the movie.

Then just now a guy called with this number 03-22975759. Say wanna meet up with me to do survey on collagen and inner shine. Saying I am nearby the area he is in. I am like huh.. I don't even know you!

I just tell I am driving still he none stop asking when is free etc. Hello.. I am not that free and I don't even know you!

So in last he said sms me to ask me when free. He even ask about weekends. Saying survey will be ask at location like McD or Starbucks.

Another happiness to share is I won to see horror movie marathon!

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