Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rosa Second Contest

I love contest and lately I won first contest by Rosa. Now her second contest just started, you can win Rosa Second Contest. Now the contest is fun because you can win some cash to go shopping.

What you can win?
First price: 10$
second price: 7$
third price: .info domain one year registered.

How to earn the points?
1. Make review 150 words about my baby blog of (20pts)
2. Blog about this contest, or you can asked your friend to blog about this contest. (5pts)
3. Link my blog of sahmo /
rosamuth / life in palawan / istar blog / chikka blog / express liife / baby blog and pink precious (5pts each)
4. Comment on my blog of sahmo /
rosamuth / life in palawan / istar blog / chikka blog / express liife / baby blog and pink precious (5pts each)
5. Dugg, stumble, and tweets my blog post of sahmo /
rosamuth / life in palawan / istar blog / chikka blog / express liife / baby blog and pink precious (5pts each)

Deadline: October 16th, 2009 at 5pm in the Phillipines.
Winner announced: October 17th, 2009.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sunway Pyramid event

I love going on window shopping and here is the Sunway Pyramid events, just click the link to see.

Now it is raining here and I am feeling sleepy. Wish I can go for a nap now. Some friends are broke and they tend to eat maggie mee or bread as meals.

As for me some relatives are here and they insist of having good meal. :(

Friday, August 21, 2009

Eyeko and free surprise gift!

I sure love Eyeko and you got to try it to love it.

Try the code: E3624

Baby Spice Emma Bunton
hearts Eyeko!
As seen in NOW

"Eyeko Minty Fat Balm For Lips is great – it’s so refreshing for summer. I’m a massive fan of the range”- EMMA BUNTON (BABY SPICE FROM THE SPICE GIRLS)

Get the A-list look with Eyeko Fat Balms available in Minty, Raspberry and lip-smacking Strawberry!

Buy now and receive a FREE SURRISE GIFT with every order of Eyeko Fat Balm until the end of the month!!

For a fruity flush and juicy lips shop Eyeko Fat Balms at!!!

Offer closes at midnight on
Sunday 23rd August.

Special code FATBALM in the
comments box.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to go Uptown 2 from Subang?

How to go uptown 2 from subang jaya? I know that Damansara is the area where you always stucked in the jam. I find out that the place has population of 140,000 people staying there. Just imagine the traffic during off hours.

The location is nice but the traffic is killing me. I am thinking how much it will cost if I take a cab to go Damansara. My friends too are thinking about it!

Someone told me we can take LRT, but we are not sure about the route. Need to go Google to find out!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Eyeko Beauty!!!

Shopping on if you purchase more than ten pounds sterling enter the code
E3624 for free gift :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Can children go to spa?

Just like to share info about whether childre can go to spa. Minumum age is to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, children under 16 years old age are not permitted in the spa!

Read up my first spa experienced@ Novotel Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

The mode of payment can be done either billing to your room account or by cash or credit card.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

No shopping what to do?

If you have no shopping, go ahead check out my blogs. Tell me what you think.






Jewelry by S

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