Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hotels for All has entrecard widget!

Now you can drop ec at my new ec blog, it is available from now on. I am so happy about it and I am hoping to find more hotels that I know to write about it.

Another blog with ec is up as well, you can see latest contest that I taken part. I am sure you will like to take part in them as well.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Looking for small and easy backpack?

Tell me if you know anyone looking for backpack? I am sure you like to find one that is easy and user friendly backpack.

Have a look at Twiggy Hollection and you might like what you see. It is nice and if you are interested to buy be sure to be fast as I think there will not be restock any more.

I have got a several backpack myself at the moment.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I won domain and hosting for a year and I wanted to have but it was taken. So sad, s nevermind I choose another name hopefully it is available for me.

I need to renew the domain that I won in September and other as well. That will be Heart Random, Name Sherry.

Have you check out my new blogs? They are brand new and I am trying my best to update all blogs. They are love everything,

Monday, May 11, 2009

RoTP May Blog Contest

I love contest and I love shopping and I am eyeing to win this very cute bag. RoTP May Blog Contest is here for you to win! Yeah I am sure you want to have your hands on this bag!

RoTP May Contest Prize

RoTP May Blog Contest 200x200

This is important as you need to have a blog to take part. So you need to post about this contest and remember to link it to Ramblings of The Phat's new domain, This is easy contest right? If you like to know more just click on the banner.

Contest ends on 31 May, 2009.

Jewelry by S

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