Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Scopio score

I find this today it is you will be expected to sparklet but you probably won't want to sparkle. Sometimes even the ebullent archer needs some quiet time and today is such a time. Oh boo hoo this is for Sagitarius which is my dad! :D

You will win in some area, the stars you have usually put you into the lead in some activity so you could surprise yourself by winning a prize. :D

Monday, December 21, 2009

Fabric giveaway

I love giveaway I am taking part in Fabric giveaway, you can take part too.

Giveaway ends on 31 Dec, 2009.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Pink bracelet

I love pink so much,this is my latest piece and I love it.

You can see more at Jewelry by S. :D


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Disclosure policy

This policy is valid from 16 December 2009

 This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact  sherrygo (at ymail dot com).

 This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

 The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.

 The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

 This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.

To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org

BHO's First Contest

I love contest and it is time to take prat in BHO's First Contest, I am also one of the sponsors. If you want to win you must take part! It is depend on luck and I hope I can win. :D

Contest ends on 23 Jan, 2009. To take part just click on the banner below.

BHO Contest

First Prize: $50
$25 - http://theadmaster.net/
$5 - http://fedhz.com/
$5 - http://pinaymom.org/
$5 - http://livinglifetodfullest.blogspot.com/
$5 - MommaWannabe
$5 - http://realmofadreamer.com
Customized Products Worth $60 from: Alex of http://customizedlife.net/
Special Gift from: Pinkville
Blog Review from: http://onlinemoneywithgoogleadsense.blogspot.com/

(Optional Prizes: If the winner opt to give these to other winners, that would be fine.)
New 3-Column Layout from: Blogger Sai
15GB Diskspace hosting: http://angelic-melody.net

1-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:

1-month AD SPACE (Text Links) @ the following:
Best Vacation Places
The Pinay Blogger
Mom Writes Stuff

2-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:

3-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:

1-Year AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:
Unlimited!!! If you will review these:
http://princessmm.pinkfab.info/Entrecard Credits (ECs): 31 000 ECs
3000 EC - PinayMom.org
3000 EC - BlogDeManila.com
3000 EC - KayaMoPinoy.com
2000 EC - http://redamethyst.blogspot.com/
3000 EC - http://livinglifetodfullest.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://designersdepot.noelevz.com/
5000 EC - http://theadmaster.net/
3000 EC - http://serenityoverload.blogspot.com
3000 EC - http://mommyko.com

2000 EC - http://nishasworld-and-babyalisha.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://pregnancy-n-parenting.blogspot.com/

Second Prize: $30
$5 - http://journal.mikemamaril.com/
$5 - http://www.bigloveblog.info/
$5 - http://serenityoverload.blogspot.com
$5 - Diva Fabulosa
$5 - http://learnnearnonline.blogspot.com/

$5 - http://jenaisleonline.com/

Pair of Earrings from http://momgen.etsy.com
1-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:

2-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:

Entrecard Credits (ECs): 24 500 ECs
2000 EC - http://tycoonblogger.com/
3500 EC - http://cornymans-blogreviews.blogspot.com/
5000 EC - http://babyandkidsworld.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://www.barbie-doll.co.cc
2000 EC - http://safarisogood.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://elsalvadordelmundo.blogspot.com
1000 EC - http://i-heart-contest.com/
1000 EC - http://www.maldita.us/
2000 EC - http://www.parentingnotes.info/
2000 EC - http://www.momgencraftcorner.com
2000 EC - http://www.mycraftstoresonline.us

Third Prize: $20
$5 - http://questionshaveanswers.blogspot.com/
$5 - http://www.labambita.com/
$5 - Health and Beauty Diva
$5 - http://fashionbeautycraze.blogspot.com/

Pair of Earrings from http://darlingrose.etsy.com
1-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:

Entrecard Credits (ECs): 20 500 ECs
3500 EC - http://theoneminuteguide.blogspot.com/
5000 EC - http://cornys-moneypage.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://entrepremom.blogspot.com/
3000 EC - http://demcyapdiandias.blogspot.com/
3000 EC - http://www.flavourme.com
2000 EC - http://www.happymomiam.us
2000 EC - http://chris.happymomiam.us

Best Reviewer: $35 (Most Points Get it All)
$5 - http://www.isherrygo.com/
$5 - http://thereishappiness.com/
$5 - http://www.girlblogger.net/
$5 - Pinay Mommy Online
$5 - Blogging Mama
$5 - http://itsnotalwaysaboutme.blogspot.com/
$5 - http://super-emote-drama-queen.blogspot.com/
Special Gift from: Pinkville
Blog Review from: http://onlinemoneywithgoogleadsense.blogspot.com/

1-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:

Entrecard Credits (ECs): 16 000 ECs
2000 EC - http://love.mommyko.com
2000 EC - http://mywpblogonline.com
2000 EC - http://www.kwarta4me.biz
4000 EC - http://silvergurl22.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://learn-earn-for-livin.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://www.jovdavid.com/
2000 EC - http://healthytipsy.blogspot.com/

And a GRAND package from Pinay Mommy Online:
Info Domain + 1YR Hosting - Pinay Mommies Community
2000 EC + 1-month AD SPACE (125X125) per blog:
The Ruby Posts
I Luv Contests and More
Pink Thoughts
Lourdes' Mia
Moolah Musings
Life and Scraps
Reviewers Haven
Chika Buzz
The Movie Mommy
The Digital Post
Photo Memeries
Micah Izabel
Johann David
Bella Grace
SEO Friendly Blog Directory
Online Biz and Resources
A Woman's Blog
Rubz Online
Mommy Emotes
Blessings and Beyond
Friendship and Smiles

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stage cosmetics warehouse sales

I have got extra lipstick and lipgloss on hand if you are in Malaysia you can let me know if you are interested. :)

I can post up the info when I have the time. I have got so many items on stage but mostly are lipstick and lipgloss. I also learn tip and trick from the Stage counter.

Before you apply lipstick need to apply lip balm first. I don't know that!

If you want to contact me on buying: sherrygo at hotmail dot com

Friday, November 13, 2009

Flash Lips from Eyeko

This is a must grab because you see and you will like it, I love it so far and I am going to use it!

Yeah this set is mine, all mine! Simply use the ambassador code E3624 whenever you are shopping at www.eyeko.com!

Look at the picture you see the mini and the normal lipgloss of Flash Lips!

Here's the fun below! 

We're all about the giving...treat yourself to London's cutest cosmetics all at 20% off all weekend long. Stock up and SAVE!!!

We've got gift ideas galore. How about Eyeko Magic Liquid Eyeliner for mum as recommended by Good Housekeeping.
Who wouldn't love to receive Eyeko Magic Mascara, in fact make it a very merry Christmas with Eyeko A-lister Gift Set normally £25 now only £20!!!
Think ahead and pick up some
NEW Eyeko Nail Polish shades for the party season.

Christmas has come early with Eyeko!

Offer ends midnight Monday 16th November 2009.  Enter code "DISCOUNT20"
 Offer not valid with any other promotional codes.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

$20 short on skin care product

Yeah I have made the payment to my friends so they still owe me $20 as they do not have change. Skin care products some for me and some for my housemate. She has been a good helper around the house, sad to say she is not willing to look for a job.

She is looking for love and she wants people to introduce to her. To be honest with you I will tell you that is going to be tough because she is just waiting at home for it to happen. Anyway best of luck to her but according to her it is going to be a long wait.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bobbi Brown in Malaysia

I am sure you like to know the latest collection of Bobbi Brown, here's the list you can see!

I like everything I see but I am not able to purchase any of them. I can just admire them. :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Skin care products

Blemish Control Gel (15ml)
Pure White Essence (30ml)
Pure White Spot Corrector (10ml)
TIME DEFIANCE Lifting Eye Crème (15g)

Total is $384 as included $15

Bold is for my friend for her Birthday present.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Anna Sui me, me, me

Anna Sui liquid base RM108
Anna Sui Rock Me perfume 30ML RM163
The travel bath set RM88 comes with cute water proof pouch

I spend total of RM359 and my friend help me to shop and courier me so it cost RM10.

Total spend will be RM369.

It is my birthday present for myself.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Eyeko nail collection now or never!

It is your last chance to grab the great deal at www.eyeko.com

Feel free to use ambassador code: E3624

The code entitle you to get free gift. Be sure to use it during check out.

Last Chance Sale!
70% on Eyeko Nail Polish Set All Weekend!

VAMP it up in time for Hallowe'en with blood RED and a dash of DISCO glitter for a spooooky party manicure!  Or be a little angel and keep it sweet with PRETTY, pink PUNK and PASTEL blue nails - the choice is yours!  But whatever you do make sure you DON'T MISS OUT on this fantastic mid-season SALE!!

Sophie Dahl loves Eyeko Vamp Polish for a goth glam look.
Emma Bunton keeps it classic with chic Eyeko Red Polish.
Lily Allen loves quirky colour, channel her look with Eyeko Punk, Pastel and Disco Polish!
Whilst stocks last.
limited offer ONLY!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

100th post giveaway by Simply Sewing

I love giveaway and I am taking part in 100th post giveaway by Simply Sewing, you can take part too.

So .... why wait.... join n win....good luck

smocking cushion cover

polka dot fabby

scrapbook magazine

my mini purse

purple purse

Giveaway ends on 21 Oct, 2009.

To take part just click on above link.

Good luck.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Win Tons of Giveaway@Her and History's Life and Love

A Call To Celebrate

I love go to shopping but I need to update this blog. So there is a giveaway held at Her and History, you can click on the banner to see.

I am hoping to be one of the winners to win these Prizes.

1st prize: $55, 20,000 EC, ad spaces, .info domain and blog hosting, blog review (worth $15)

$50- Buraot and Anak ni Kulapo
$5- Pinay Mommy Online
.info domain with free 1 year blog hosting- Pinay Mommies Communities
5000 EC - Mommy Journey
3000 EC Cornymans Money-Blog
3000 EC All about babies and Kids
3000 EC - Simply Happy Life
2000 EC- The Movie Mommy
2000 EC- Chika Buzz
1000 EC - Love's Haven
1000 EC- Kalidadis
125x125 ad space for a month (PR 3)= A Woman's Blog
125x125 ad space for a month (PR 3)= OnlineBiz and resources
125x125 ad space for a month (PR 2)= Moolah Musings
125x125 ad space for a month (PR 1)= I Love Contest and More!
125x125 ad space at Wannabesuper Mommy
125x125 ad space at CrossRoads...where ideas meet
125x125 ad space at Pinay Blogger at Home
125x125 ad space at Moi et mon univers!
125x125 ad space at Sassy Chicks World
125x125 ad space at Tambayan ng mga Uragon

Blog reviews:
2nd prize: $30, 18,000 EC's,.info domain and 1 year WP blog hosting,ad spaces, blog reviews (worth $10)
$20 - Seiko's Diary
$5 - babyblog Azumi ★
$5 - My Kawaii Princess
5000 EC - Wonderful Things In Life
5000 EC - Her and History
2500 EC - Thoughts in Daily Living
2500 EC- Parenting Notes
2000 EC - Our Adventures Together
1000 EC- Mi Mundo Del Amor
info domain Online Mommy's Corner
1 year free WP blog hosting Online Mommy's Corner
1 month ad space (PR1)- Mouth's Delight
1 month 125x125 ad space- Just About Anything
125x125 ad space at Real Garden
125x125 ad space (PR 1) at WAHMaholic
1 month 125x125 ad space (PR 1)- Mom Writes for A Cause
1 month 125x125 ad space (PR 1)- Samantha's Own
1 month 125x125 ad space at Yam's Files
1 month 125x125 ad space at Walk With Me

Blog Reviews:

3rd prize: $25, 15,000 EC's, web hosting space, ad spaces, blog review (worth $5)
$5- From Asia and Beyond
$5- RandomWAHMThoughts
$5- My Life's Perception & Inspiration
$5 - Just About Anything
$5- Make or Break
2000 EC - Just About Anything
2000 EC- FickleMinded
2000 EC - My Crafts Stores Online
2000 EC - My Life's adventures
2000 EC- Tasty Exploration
2000 EC- FoodTripFriday
2000 EC - Life's Journey
1 month 125x125 ad space at My Passion
1 month ad space (PR2)- Bitz'n Pieces of My Life
3 months ad space (PR 2) - Rewards Station
2 months text link (PR 2)- All about my Life
125x125 ad space at Make or Break
5 GB web hosting space- http://angelic-melody.net/
Blog review- Sassy Chicks World

4th prize: $15, 13,000 EC's, ad spaces
$5- Life of a Filipina Blogger
$5- Diva Fabulosa
$5- Health and Beauty Diva
2000 EC - The Joy of Life Forever
2000 EC The One Minute Guide
2000 EC- Smart Mommy
2000 EC- Big Love
2000 EC Cornyman's Blog Reviews
2000 EC Pictures and Cultures
1000 EC - I Blog U CDO
125x125 ad space at Gossip Mom
125x125 ad space (PR 2) at To Be, To Be. Tutubi.
125x125 ad space (PR 2) at Okay Ukay!
125x125 ad space (PR 2) at Bloguardian Hellsite: Overcashed

5th prize: $5, 11,000 EC's, ad spaces
$5- Cooking's Fun
1500 EC- Samantha's Own
1500 EC- In His Steps
1000 EC - Tasty Exploration
1000 EC - Mother Knows Best
1000 EC - So Much to Tell
1000 EC - More Food Adventures
1000 EC - The Fountain Of Happiness
1000 EC- Momgen Designs
1000 EC- Momgen Garage Store
1000 EC- Blog Fusion
125x125 ad space (PR 2) at Pretty Step Daughters
125x125 ad space (PR ) at Home Buddies
125x125 ad space (PR ) at Thoughts and Obssessions

6th prize: 9,000 EC's
1000 EC- Gossip Mom
1000 EC - Just the Tip of the Iceberg
1000 EC- Worth's Road
1000 EC- Empowered Mom
1000 EC- All about my Life
1000 EC- Dorothy's Vineyard
1000 EC- Inhale...Exhale...
1000 EC- HoneySweet Learning Center
1000 EC- Rose's Obstacles and Glories

7th prize: 7,000 EC's
1000 EC- Laine's Abode
1000 EC- Make or Break
1000 EC- People, Places, Events, Good Food and My Life
1000 EC- My Little Angels
1000 EC- Pretty Step Daughters
1000 EC- Thoughts and Obsessions
1000 EC- Pensive Thoughts

8th prize: 5,000 EC's
1000 EC- The Story of My Life
1000 EC- The Certified Pinoy Blogger
1000 EC- Makoy's Snapshot
1000 EC- Makoy's Musicology
1000 EC- Makoy's Take on the Arts and The Entertainment

9th prize: 3,500 EC's
1000 EC- Make Money Online with Makoy
1000 EC- Latest Celebrity Gossip
1000 EC- Momma Wannabe
500 EC- The Fashion Explorer

10th prize: 2,500 EC's
1000 EC- IVF Journies
1000 EC- His Unfailing Love
500 EC- My Memories and Crystals

Special Prizes:

5 sets of assorted handmade greeting cards- DarlingRose Paper Goods - US & Philippines shipping only

5 sets of assorted handmade greeting cards - Momgen Paper Designs - US & Philippines shipping only

2 pairs of Earrings - Momgen's Corner - worldwide shipping

Special privilege
:If somebody who join the contest will buy one of Momgen's Store's items they can have a free gift.....

Free Blog Makeover worth $15 (for blogger platform only) . Leave a separate comment if you're interested to win a Free Blog Makeover. Just type "COUNT ME IN FOR FREE BLOG MAKEOVER".

My Web-blog Designs
Femikey Designs
Now to take part just click on above banner or here.

Winners will be chosen using random.org and announced on 10 Nov,2009.

Pretty pendant from Jewelry by S


This is pretty pendant made by me :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Vote for me, then upload your own pic!

Vote for my pic to help me win! If you want to win too, all you have to do is post a picture of yourself wearing a disguise, mask (or facial masque!) of some sort. The top 20 most popular pics will win the entire Rare Earth Collection!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kitty creation jewelry


Above is my first kitty creation jewelry and I am loving it.

To see more feel free to visit my online store. :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim friends

I want to take time off to wish all my Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya, setahun hanya sekali. :)

Stay at home with family members are the best moment to share your happiness.

So many great movies waiting for you.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Eyeko Nail Polish Collection!

I have got all of them, I love Eyeko nail polish!
If you like to buy visit www.eyeko.com and don't forget enter the code: E3624 for the free gift!

I have got the free gift as well, I love eyeko!

Make this a perfect gift for you loved one.

Eyeko ship to your door step for free no matter where you are.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hungry for cupcakes!

"Ibu Emir, I want that cupcakes!!"

Yeah I am feeling so hungry and I all I can think of cupcakes! They are yummy delicious.

Want to know how to get them?

Check out Contest September by click on the link!

Contest ends on 20 Sep, 2009.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rosa Second Contest

I love contest and lately I won first contest by Rosa. Now her second contest just started, you can win Rosa Second Contest. Now the contest is fun because you can win some cash to go shopping.

What you can win?
First price: 10$
second price: 7$
third price: .info domain one year registered.

How to earn the points?
1. Make review 150 words about my baby blog of www.babyko.info. (20pts)
2. Blog about this contest, or you can asked your friend to blog about this contest. (5pts)
3. Link my blog of sahmo /
rosamuth / life in palawan / istar blog / chikka blog / express liife / baby blog and pink precious (5pts each)
4. Comment on my blog of sahmo /
rosamuth / life in palawan / istar blog / chikka blog / express liife / baby blog and pink precious (5pts each)
5. Dugg, stumble, and tweets my blog post of sahmo /
rosamuth / life in palawan / istar blog / chikka blog / express liife / baby blog and pink precious (5pts each)

Deadline: October 16th, 2009 at 5pm in the Phillipines.
Winner announced: October 17th, 2009.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sunway Pyramid event

I love going on window shopping and here is the Sunway Pyramid events, just click the link to see.

Now it is raining here and I am feeling sleepy. Wish I can go for a nap now. Some friends are broke and they tend to eat maggie mee or bread as meals.

As for me some relatives are here and they insist of having good meal. :(

Friday, August 21, 2009

Eyeko and free surprise gift!

I sure love Eyeko and you got to try it to love it.

Try the code: E3624

Baby Spice Emma Bunton
hearts Eyeko!
As seen in NOW

"Eyeko Minty Fat Balm For Lips is great – it’s so refreshing for summer. I’m a massive fan of the range”- EMMA BUNTON (BABY SPICE FROM THE SPICE GIRLS)

Get the A-list look with Eyeko Fat Balms available in Minty, Raspberry and lip-smacking Strawberry!

Buy now and receive a FREE SURRISE GIFT with every order of Eyeko Fat Balm until the end of the month!!

For a fruity flush and juicy lips shop Eyeko Fat Balms at www.eyeko.com!!!

Offer closes at midnight on
Sunday 23rd August.

Special code FATBALM in the
comments box.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to go Uptown 2 from Subang?

How to go uptown 2 from subang jaya? I know that Damansara is the area where you always stucked in the jam. I find out that the place has population of 140,000 people staying there. Just imagine the traffic during off hours.

The location is nice but the traffic is killing me. I am thinking how much it will cost if I take a cab to go Damansara. My friends too are thinking about it!

Someone told me we can take LRT, but we are not sure about the route. Need to go Google to find out!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Eyeko Beauty!!!

Shopping on www.eyeko.com if you purchase more than ten pounds sterling enter the code
E3624 for free gift :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Can children go to spa?

Just like to share info about whether childre can go to spa. Minumum age is to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, children under 16 years old age are not permitted in the spa!

Read up my first spa experienced@ Novotel Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

The mode of payment can be done either billing to your room account or by cash or credit card.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

No shopping what to do?

If you have no shopping, go ahead check out my blogs. Tell me what you think.






Jewelry by S

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