Monday, August 28, 2017

Travel with White Factor Disinfectant Spray

 Special thanks to 100comments for send me this product for review. It is small and easy for travel use, just 50ml and you can see it is spray type.

We can use this for outdoor, important to take care of hygiene especially we are dining out and we need to wipe the table as we are using it to put food and our hands on it. It is suitable for surfaces such as glass, doorknobs, car interior, wallet, mat or personal items.

You can see that I also use to spray on my favourite pink bear toy. The door knob can also be the restroom that we are going to enter. We have no idea how many people use the same washroom.
It doesn't have any strange smell, and I didn't smell anything after spray. The White Factor Disinfectant Spray is product of Taiwan. 

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