Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Parking rate 2016@Intercontinental Hotel

Just in case you want to know the parking rate of the hotel, last Sunday its me dating my dear. The payment was RM6 per entry as it falls on Sunday for entry 1pm to 6.59am (next day).

Monday to Friday is RM4 1st hour or part thereof, every sub hour or part thereof RM4. Per entry after 6pm to 6.59am is RM6.

Saturday 1st hour or part thereof RM4, every sub hour or part thereof RM4, per entry after 6pm to 6.59am is RM6.

Sunday and Public holiday per entry 7am to 6.59am is RM6.

If you lost ticket the charge will be RM50.

The hotel used to called Nikko Hotel.

It's location just next to Citibank KL.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Movie date with son on Ice Age Collision Course

It's Monday and its going to be movie date with son tonight. The movie is Ice Age Collision Course, though my friends have seen it before me, I am happy for them. I won two passes and I can only bring my eldest to go watch this movie. Not sure this movie nice or not, long time I have not out with son for a movie together. We plan to go early to avoid trouble of finding parking at the mall nearest to cinema entrance, hopefully I can remember my way to go there as the 1 Utama has two cinemas, GSC and TGV. Movie for the night is GSC Cinemas. Both GSC and TGV are located at difference place of the mall. Both also I like to go for movies, GSC long time I no go to watch movies as usual I go to TGV cinemas. I also have MBO member card and sad to say I can't login to use my password and its been so long no email from them about my account. :(

This year is good as my WL gets to see few movie together, Angry Birds and Finding Dory. This school holidays my dear no apply any leave from work so he has to work on Mon, Tue, Fri and Sat. Nephew has gone back PD as his dad came to pick him up yesterday morning as early as 8am in the morning.

By the way, if you haven't take part any giveaway in Malaysia, you may check out mine as I have a blog post in other blog with Transformers Giveaway awaiting you to win. Never try never know, you might be the lucky winner!

Yesterday afternoon shopping groceries at Giant bumped into my classmate Joyce who lives not far from Giant. She and her mom shopping for groceries too. It's been a long time I no date with Joyce, she has been busy and a few time ask her out also she rejects. She is my primary school classmate at Sungai Way primary school. One fun event that we been together was Clear shampoo event last year at Sunway. I won 2 passes and decided to ask her out together for the night fun party! It's good to have time out for mommy as I am mom of two boys. Thanks to my sister in law for helping me to care kids so that I can go out. Also to my dear for help me to fetch son else I cannot go Legoland Malaysia for media trip.

Jewelry by S

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