Friday, December 11, 2015

Change of plan, no waterpark!

Supposed my bro has intention to bring family for water park this Sunday but we cannot go any more because his wife need to do sauces for business. So everything on Sunday is cancel. Anyway I have not purchase new school trolley bag for son and also his uniform pants.

I wanted to shop for sandals as my sandals are spoil. So I am looking for sandals and comfortable shoes to shop. I also like to check out the bags, oh yeah I love bags!

So how about heading to shopping mall in Selangor? Some malls I went have got their nice decoration up namely Sunway Pyramid, eCurve, The Curve, Cheras LeisureMall.

I did blog about them you can check out my blog on and click on the link to view my blogs.

Jewelry by S

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