Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Free goodie bag from Nuyou Magazine

If you have interest to grab goodie bag worth RM500, click the link to find out. Here's the tips, go early because queue can start as early as 1pm!

Don't forget you need to bring your own Nuyou magazine to queue, they are not selling at the shop any more. I was told the book shop in mall sold out of magazines!

The goodie bag still available for this Sat and next Sat, find out where to grab them now! Click on the link above.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Icity Summer Splash giveaway

If you love giveaway, you need to be blog follower of Shannie. Check out her blog, she's a blogger with many interesting posts to share. :D

For detail of I City Summer Splash giveaway, click on the link Facebook to find out.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Notice MBO Cinema member card

  • MBO Cinemas has discontinued all top up facilities for the existing MBO Membership Card on        12 August 2013. This is to facilitate the transition to the new MBO Starclub Reward Program that   will start in September 2013
  • Members can continue to enjoy existing privileges using the balance credit in the card and pay with cash/ credit card if balance credit amount is insufficient
  • The existing MBO Member's Program and its privileges will be fully be discontinued by                  15th November 2013. We recommend members to spend all balance credit in the card before registering for the new reward program  

Deepavali, shopping for dresses?

I can't believe my eyes, this morning I head to Mydin with my son. I saw many pretty dresses for Deepavali celebration. Oh well, it's not just Deepavali you can wear on other occasion too.

The dresses I saw they are love price RM200, RM300 above, there is lower price such as RM50. But I think if you like them, you don't mind pay a price if you can afford them.

I couldn't afford them, I only purchase for grocery and stationery for son.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Mother and Son watched PACIFIC RIM in 3D

We can never forget the night we watched movie together, yeah just mother and son! Because I won the passes and I choose to bring my son to watch. Afraid not, as I won two passes again to watch this movie but not in 3D. I bring dear along to watch just add on RM8 to watch with son.

Look how happy my son is in the picture!

Jewelry by S

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