Friday, April 27, 2012

Giveaway Header, Banner, Blogger Card

This is all I need to have a makeover of the header, banner and need a blogger card for this blog.

I am tagging, Tie Fazatie and Wendy!

Hurry take part now click banner above!

Hope I am one of the lucky ones...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Gelato Fruity@Midvalley

It has been such a long time since I visit to Midvalley, last Saturday it was great family day out for us. You are looking at the above one is durian flavour another is strawberry flavour. Both cost RM18, my son enjoy the strawberry ice cream very much as for me I love the durian flavour!

I saw the sign there that the add on to the ice cream is free, and it is only available at Midvalley.

I forgot to mention there was Fashion going on the day it is very crowded that day! Some of my friends were they but I am unable to meet with them, wrong timing I guess.

You can view the asam laksa and nasi lemak which we had at Jusco Midvally here.

Monday, April 16, 2012

SCLover Collection handmade bags

I love handmade bags, they are so pretty! SCLover Collection has wonderful selection of handmade bags with love. Don't just read here click link above to visit.

They are so pretty right? Hey,they are available now and grab them before you lost it. I want to grab one but due to expenses I can't grab any at the moment.

My son attending kindergarten the semester fee cost RM700 not yet add the monthly fee/tuition RM410. It is crazy living here cost so much!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dong Cha@IOI Mall and AEON Jusco Mahkota Cheras

There is so many good deal I find from this website. I am glad I bought two vouchers to try the Jumbo wagashi and drinks. I am going to use the voucher at AEON Jusco Mahkota Cheras which stated on the voucher.

You can find many great deal from dealmates, check it out now.

Jewelry by S

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