Wednesday, September 29, 2010

400 followers giveaway by Konad Addicts

I love giveaway and I am taking part 400 followers giveaway by Konad Addicts, you can take part too. The giveaway held at

The prize: 5 image plates from Chez Delaney on your choise!
Isn't that awesome?

Many thanks for Delaney for sponsoring this giveaway.
To find out how to take part just click on above link.
Good luck!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Review: Make Money Online

Today blog review is Make Money Online, I find this blog with information on how you can make money online. You can see the right bar of this site about the money Earned From These Sites! If you are newbie which interested to make some extra income online, visit this blog.

This blog is page rank 2, consists of Entrecard, Adgitize for you to drop them. This blog is not just about make money online but everything beyond. This blog owner is Eihdra, she is a mom of two wonderful children and a loving hubby.

I like to know more about the scam sites to avoid being scam, it is available at this blog. Don't just read here if you want to learn to make money online just visit this blog.

Overall the blog is well maintain and easy to browse.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Review: Baul in Noel

Today blog review is Baul in Noel, this blog belongs to XLEONTIPS's sister site. It is my first time to visit this blog and this blog using two columns template. Currently the blog having 43 followers on the blog I am one of the followers. I cannot find the info on when the blog started.
I find an interesting post to read about keep your children from suction plugs, you can find out why as it is for safety of children. From this blog I know about parents need to choose TV programs for kids, I mean the suitable program. I agree that not all program suitable for children.
Now don't just read here click above link to see this blog.

This blog review for XLEONTIPS' Birthday Give-Away Contest!

Review: Stay at Home Mom Blessings

Today blog review is Stay at Home Mom Blessings, this belongs to Chin Chin. She is stay at home mom of five children, two boys and three girls. She has been married since 2000 to a wonderful husband, this blog is where she shares about her learning being a wife, mom and Christian.

The blog is page rank 3 with beautiful two columns template, the side bar is well arrange you can drop Entrecard and Adgitize at this blog. I like her post about teaching kids to colour by number, click on the link for colorful drawing. Chin Chin is one of the BC bloggers, to know more about stay at home mom blessings check out her blog. I like to read more about baby and child care.

This blog review for XLEONTIPS' Birthday Give-Away Contest!

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