Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Plus Size jewelry!!

Funny Pictures

Monday, March 29, 2010

Just one more that's it

Find out that one of them not get it so will be using the registered post to send. By Thursday 1 April only go to Post Office as that day got shopping to do.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jewelry by S

You can see more at JewelrybyS, there is so many choice and it is affordable.

Friday, March 26, 2010

PD Tiara Beach 2 D/1N

My classmate is pregnant and she cannot go for the PD Tiara Beach for 2 days /1 night as she is having her baby soon. She purchase the ticket at MATTA FAIR, she is now selling it for MYR$160. She say usual price is MYR$400. The expiration use of the ticket is 31 Aug, 2010!

It is a couple and 2 kids stay at the hotel, anyone interested? Do email me so I can forward your detail to her. :D

My email sherrygo at hotmail dot com

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fairy white

Looking at Jess store I like it so much.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

2 skirts swapped!

Oh I love my swap blog, I am able to swap 2 skirts yesterday.

This is pretty black skirt, L size which I cannot fit in any more.

Measurement waist is 30inch. 
Long is measure 61cm.
width is measure 42cm, I measure at the zipper there.

Look at the bottom wave of this skirt. :)

You can added belt if you have one. :)

Wore a few times only still in good condition.

It is good material.

MYR$15 inclusive of registered post in Malaysia.

Size 8 skirt which belong my sis but she cannot wear it any more. :(

I kept in the closet and you can see this is side zipper. Still in good condition. :DThis
waist is 77cm.
width is 44cm, long is 46cm.

MYR$12 inclusive of reigstered post in Malaysia.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nivea Visage : Sparkling White

Yeah this might not be my best picture, just to show you that I love this tube dress so much.
I am using mix skin care products brand and one of them is Sparking White day cream and night cream. The toner I given to my sis as she needs it more than me.

I think the day cream and night cream given me many acnes at the cheek bone area. I apply too much of the cream on face. 

For you info it is not purchase by me as the product is given by friend who won the Prize.

Jewelry by S

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