Thursday, July 23, 2009

Win $40 gift card this July

This is the month of July, it is your lucky month to win $40 gift card. Win it for yourself or loved one. Buy something nice for them, if you don't have the money you can win this!

I am not kidding here, I wish I can take part but I cannot. So if you are staying in the US you can take part as delivery of Prize only to US address.

It will be great collection for your home!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rest Room at Sunway Pyramid

I am sure you know that sign that tell you do not squad on the seat. Somehow some ladies just cannot read, they will still squad on them. I do not know what is their problem is. If you find that it is dirty they can just wipe it.

If you asked me which rest room I prefer to go in shopping mall. I would say Sunway Pyramid because they are clean and dry!

If you have been to Jusco I can tell you that the floor is always wet. Well maybe is the time I went because I always bumped into wet hours.

You can agree and not agree with me, just spill me your thought.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer time look tips

I am starting to get addicted to makeup so I dig on what I need to have for summer time look. So now I got to know about it and share with you.

The reason you are going to get liquid cosmetics because you do not want your makeup melt. Yes melt, you read it correctly.

So bring a long paper wax put into plastic bag and into the cooler bag. You can bring it to beach! Liquid blush is useful for you, listen carefully its liquid!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Entrecard Contest@ Blog Godown

Entrecard Giveaway
I love shopping, so I like to win some entrecard credits for advertise my blog. I am taking part to win Entrecard Contest@Blog Godown, don't miss out for your chance to win Entrecard Credits, cash, and ad spots.

Great Prizes awaiting you to win.

#1(15000 ec, 5$, 4 Ad Spots)
8000 ec worth $8 sponsored by: Blog Godown
5000 ec worth $5 sponsored by: – Vanilla Seven
2000 ec worth $2 sponsored by - Conversations with Moms
$5 sponsored by: Crazy 4 footie
3 months text link ad spot(PR3) - Free Famous Quotes
1 month 125x125 ad spot(PR2) sponsored by: Blog Godown
1 month 125x125 ad spot sponsored by: Monetizeyoursite
1 month link ad spot(PR1) sponsored by: Java Crackers

#2 (10000 ec, 4 Ad Spots)
5000 ec worth $5 sponsored by: Blog Godown
1500 ec worth $1.5 sponsored by : Monetizeyoursite
1500 ec worth $1.5 sponsored by: Seek No More
1000 ec worth $1 sponsored by: Freaky frugalite
1000 ec worth $1 sponsored by: Legal Cat-asthrope
3 months text link ad(PR2): kawaiibhabie
1 month 125x125 ad spot(PR2) sponsored by: Blog Godown
1 month 125x125 ad spot(PR2) sponsored by: Monetizeyoursite
1 month link ad spot(PR1) sponsored by: Java Crackers

#3 (6500 ec, 4 Ad Spots)
2000 ec worth $5 sponsored by: Blog Godown
1000 ec worth $1 sponsored by: Bulgarian Scrapbook
1000 ec worth $1 sponsored by: kawaiibhabie
500 ec worth $0.5 sponsored by: The Frugal Housewife
500 ec worth $0.5 sponsored by : denologis
500 ec worth $0.5 sponsored by: Michael Aulia
500 ec worth $0.5 sponsored by: Crazy 4 footie
500 ec worth $0.5 sponsored by: Better Interpersonal Communication
1 month text link ad(PR4) sponsored by: Symphony of Love
1 month 125x125 ad spot(PR2) sponsored by: Blog Godown
1 month 125x125 ad spot sponsored by: Monetizeyoursite
1 month link ad spot(PR1) sponsored by: Java Crackers

This contest has started and ends on 1st Aug, 2009.

Don't just read here, go ahead and find out how to take part.

Monday, July 6, 2009

My Wordpress Story: Heart Random

I love shopping but it is recession and I am not getting much earning. So I have the opportunity to win, I am one of the finalist in my wordpress story. You can read my blog Heart Random.

Don't forget to read other story as well.

If you find me a worthy winner, please vote for me.

Voting ends on 31 July, 2009.

Jewelry by S

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